Learning Centers
Strong network of Authorized Learning Centers (ALCs) all over India
Network of Computer systems in learning centers, delivering eLearning content.
7 million+
University Students
Number of students who have benefited from Educational E-Governance services on MKCL's software
Employed through MKCL's inclusive and sustainable network partner program
12.5 million+
Smart Users
Number of Smart Users of Computers, who have completed course in basic IT skills
Colleges & Study Centers
Number of colleges and study centers getting various e-services under MKCL’s Digital University Software Framework
7 Joint Ventures
Organizations imparting IT Literacy and replicating other services in various geographical area in the world
12.5 million+ students
Given Online Admissions and Online Recruitment Services across the state through MKCL’s OASIS Framework.
18 Products & Services
Various Offerings of the MKCL to empower Education and Governance sector

Empowering Citizens
across four countries
- Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- India (Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Odisha, Haryana)
Employment Generation
- 25,000 youth in the state got direct high-tech employment and self-employment opportunities in this network with decent and stable income at their own native places without migrating to Mumbai, Pune or nearby cities.
- 1,00,000 youths in the state got indirect job opportunities in this network at their own native places.